David Guadron
Senior Pastor - Vida Nueva Bogota, Colombia
David, the second son of Raul and Martita Guadron, was born August 11, 1978. He had one older brother, Raul Jr born in 1976. His childhood was happy but without Jesus. One day when David’s mother’s religion no longer met her spiritual needs, she began a hungry search for God. At this very same time an uncle invited the entire family to a Christian church. They heard the gospel and were converted from darkness to glorious light. On this day, July 2, 1989, David, as a child, together with his parents and brother, gave his life to Christ. He has walked with the Lord ever since and served Him.
A few years later, David and his family faced the most difficult trial. Raul Jr, the first born son of the family, died very unexpectedly on Thursday December 2, 1999. Raul Jr was 23 years old, a mature believer serving the Lord, a university student just about to graduate, David’s best friend, and an exemplary son. Raul died from a cerebral aneurysm which ruptured; he never had a single symptom. This brought indescribable grief to the family, as well as indescribable comfort from God through His Holy Spirit and His Word. The term “Hope of Glory” took on a totally new meaning. In this context, David and his family became members of Iglesia Bautista Vida Nueva in San Salvador. There, they found the place God had prepared for them to serve and grow in Him.
David married Carolina on December 17, 2004. Carolina loves the Lord and without a doubt is David’s best friend. Together they are blessed to be raising their 3 precious children, Raúl Jr born November 30, 2006, David Jr born August 15, 2008, and Camila Abigail born in October 2, 2010. Camila is a miraculous child. God has healed her from a very rare neurological disorder called Opsoclonus Myoclonus Syndrome (OMS).
In 2006 the Lord called David to leave his secular job as an information manager in a Salvadorian business and to dedicate himself to full time ministry. It was through this call that he became part of the ministerial team at Vida Nueva San Salvador. His first position in January of 2006 was Operational Director of Ministries. In June of 2008, he became Vida Nueva’s Youth Pastor, caring for the youth from Junior High age to College and Career. In January 2009 he added all the responsibilities of being the Hotel Campus Pastor to his plate. In this position, David realized the tremendous need that couples and families have to be pastored and discipled. In September 2014, David and Carolina were sent to Bogota Colombia to plant Vida Nueva Bogota.