Juan Acevedo, Associate Campus Pastor for the Lourdes Campus

Juan was born in San Salvador El Salvador on August 12, 1975. During his childhood he was not exposed to the gospel until his mother and grandmother, who were Catholic, came to know Jesus and began taking him and his brother to church. It was not until he was fifteen years old, during a youth camp, that he gave his life to Jesus. From then on, he and his entire family served the Lord in the local church. Juan studied Industrial engineering by profession and after working for more than 15 years in this industry, he began to feel the call to full-time ministry. Having found Vida Nueva Lourdes and serving there since 2011 had a lot to do with the realization of this call upon his life. During those years he and his family served in youth ministry, praise and worship, and many other areas. In April 2021 God opened the door for Juan to join Vida Nueva’s staff full time. Juan currently serves as the Lourdes Campus Associate Pastor and also coordinates the connection centers in all the campuses. Juan also teaches Bible at New Life Christian School. Juan and Sara (Nov. 23, 2002) have two sons, Abdiel b.2005, and Eliezer b. 2007.