Join in the support of spreading the Gospel

Thank you very much for your desire to support Good News In Action financially. We appreciate every gift and do our very best to administrate and invest it efficiently for the purpose of expanding God’s Kingdom and transforming lives.

If you would like to send an online gift designated to PROJECT CUSCATLAN please follow the following steps:

  • Click on Monthly or One Time

  • Choose the Value you want to give (Remember it will be DOUBLED!!)

  • Click on “Dedicate this Gift”. A new box will open up. Choose “In Honor Of”, Write the words “Project Cuscatlán” in the Dedicatee’s name box, write “ in the email address box, then click SAVE.

  • Then click DONATE. A new box will open where you will be able to enter your payment details and finally execute your donation.

If you would like your online gift to be designated to pastor, church, or project that GNIA is currently doing, please also click on the “Dedicate This Gift” box, and fill out the form that pops up: Click in Honor of, write the name of the pastor, church, or project in the Dedicatee’s name box, write “ in the email address box so we are immediately notified, click SAVE. Then click Donate. A new box will open where you will be able to enter your payment details and execute your donation.

We invite you to give online or mail your gift to Good News In Action at (all gifts are tax deductible):

Good News In Action P.O. Box 1660 Albany, Louisiana 70711