Mario del Valle

Senior Pastor Vida Nueva Mexico City

david, Andres, Silvia, Mario December 2024

Mario was born in San Salvador, El Salvador in 1972. Growing up in a family as the fourth son to an alcoholic father and non-practicing catholic mother was difficult. Despite the abuse, neglect, and violence God’s grace was greater. Mario came to know Christ personally on June 2, 1991 through the bold witness of a high school classmate and a gospel message delivered by a Panamanian preacher. Over the next 3 years, God miraculously saved nearly all his immediate family.

After High School Mario pursued a Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture as well as a 3-year program in ministry training through the “Timothy Plan” at Miramonte Baptist Church. He also met Silvia, his future wife at this time, a student at the Miramonte School. After sharing the gospel with Silvia, she came to know Christ during a school retreat and went on to study in Miramonte’s Bible Academy, graduating in 1999. In 1999, Mario graduated from the ministry training program with his certification in Biblical and Pastoral Studies and he and Silvia were married. After graduation Mario landed a variety of jobs at World Vision, an Electronic company, and Compassion International. The Lord added to their family two sons, Andres in 2001 and David in 2002.  

In 2003, convinced of God’s call upon his life to serve in full time ministry, Miramonte pastor, Luis Marti, welcomed Mario into full time ministry but with no promise of salary. By faith, Mario served for 4 years, first as a leader in Evangelism, and later, after being ordained, in 2005 as the Pastor of Evangelism and Missions. In 2007, Mario was offered the paid position of Youth and Children’s Pastor. During his 4 years in this position (2007-2011), the children’s and youth departments grew to 300 in each department and 100 teachers under his direction. Mario also served as the Praise and Worship Minister and director of the church’s social ministry during this time frame. In all, Mario served 8 years in full time ministry at Miramonte Baptist Church.

In late 2011, the Lord impressed upon Mario’s heart to start his own church, so with Miramonte’s full blessing and the invaluable help of 3 other families, “The Church” was born on January 1, 2012 in San Salvador. That new congregation grew to 100 by June of 2013. Then, a radical chain of events left Mario with the sole leadership of The Church. Feeling inadequate for the position, he sought counsel from Pastor Julio Contreras of Vida Nueva Baptist Church with whom Mario had a long and strong relationship as Julio had been Mario’s youth pastor at Miramonte when he was a High School and University student.

Following Julio’s advice, Mario enrolled in New Life Baptist Seminary in January 2014. His first class was Expository Preaching and the perfect provision for what he thought he needed to continue as the sole leader of The Church. By the time Mario completed his third class, The Philosophy of Discipleship and Pastoral Ministry, God had showed him that The Church had not been done right. In another huge step of faith, Mario was obedient to God’s direction and closed The Church in May of 2015. From 2015 to 2021, Mario served as the Hacienda Campus Associate Campus Pastor and then as the Campus Pastor, also the Director of Small Groups.

Mario’s dream has always been to someday go as a missionary pastor with Vida Nueva to Expand God’s Kingdom and Transform lives in one of the countries covered by Metro America 0 20. His dreams came true in March of 2021 when he and his family were sent to Mexico City to plant a Vida Nueva church in that city.

John 15:8 is Mario’s life verse. His wife Silvia, wholeheartedly shares his passion.
By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.”